Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I heard that!

Did you ever read a line in a book and instantly imagine it on the big screen? The message and weight of those words was so powerful that you could hear the orchestra swelling up behind them, a coming-soon-to-CD crescendo accenting the final syllable followed by naught by profound silence, letting those words sink into the viewer's memory...

Maybe it's just my visually spoiled 80s generation talking, but I love when that moment pops out of a book. Almost as much as when I get the "Oh! There's the title reference!" moment.

I have a friend who is working on a screenplay adaptation of the ancient Celtic tales of Cuchulainn: The Hound of Ulster (most modern Western audiences know Ulster Cycle of the Knights of the Red Branch's English adaptation as the King Arthur Chronicles). I distinclty remember such a line from The Tain (the earlier part of the Hound's story) in which Cuchulainn chooses his destiny by taking up his father's sword. He is warned that to remain untarnished by battle, he will live a long life of obscurity. But to take arms he will die young, a hero. His reply while grasping the hilt:

"I choose greatness."

Translation debates aside, that's something that would stick with me as a moviegoer. How many of you would be so willing to accept a shortened life for glory? On that note, can't wait to go see 2012 for my birthday this weekend. I like to see acts of bravery when people are pushed their limits. Makes me wonder how many people outside, in the real world, could pull up enough courage to do the same.

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